It is just as important that we ask when collaboration is not effective and what are its limitations as it is to ask why it is effective and how we can best apply it. Moreover, collaboration requires personality traits and organization cultures that help or hinder effectiveness. The collection of papers in this book presents cases of collaboration and cooperation from a range of these perspectives.
– Dr. Gary Marchionini, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
A much needed work that addresses issues in buidling collaborative workplaces-both from theoretical and practical perspectives.
– Dr. Roberta Brody, Jounral of Competitive Intelligence and Management
This well designed volume takes the reader from conceptual issues, to contemporary approaches to collaboration using technological developments and the implications of these innovative approaches. There is an array of international authors providing diverse perspectives in this most interesting work. An intriguing read.
– Dr. Virgil L.P. Blake, Queens College, City University of New York