In a world seemingly beset with “dark” challenges, this timely contribution offers an innovative and insightful read of the various dimensions of dark tourism. With conceptual clarity and a clear trajectory provided between theory and practice, the book offers readers a number of engaging chapters that provide much clarity as well as providing much thought as to where the future lies for dark tourism. A highly thought-provoking and valuable read.
– Dr. Alan Fyall, University of Central Florida (USA)
This collective volume provides new insight into a well-established field in tourism analysis. I was delighted to find out that different contributors’ conceptual, methodological and epistemological takes on what is commonly understood as ‘dark tourism’, might revive or revise scholarly debates, as well as curve alternative analytical pathways to academic and policy analysis. I happily recommend this as essential reading to students and practitioners in the subject area.
– Rodanthi Tzanelli, University of Leeds (UK)