This book takes an applied perspective of what the instructor can do to identify and manage learner-learner relationships in a CSCL environment.
– Kara L. Orvis, Aptima Inc., USA and Andrea L.R. Lassiter, Minnesota State University, USA
A wealth of references complement this collaborative effort by nearly 30 researchers, scientists, and educators.
– Book News Inc. (2008)
This book occupies a significant place in online education literature. It is based on empirical research supported by extensive, critically-analysed literature reviews that identify gaps and suggest areas of further research. The strong empirical basis of this text sets it apart from most similar texts in the discipline, which are based on secondary or anecdotal evidence. Moreover, the cutting-edge topics covered and the authoritativeness of the diverse and highly-qualified contributors make it essential reading for anyone in academia, government departments and research centres engaged in the theory and practice of computer-supported learning.
– Stephen M. Mutula, University of Zululand, Kwadlangezwa, South Africa Online Information Review, Vol. 32, No. 3