P. K. Gupta is Post-Doctorate from University of Pretoria (South Africa-2015-16) in the Department of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering. He is currently working as Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Jaypee University of Information Technology (JUIT). He has 15+ years of extensive experience in IT industry and Academics in India and abroad. He has completed his Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering 2012. He has extensive research experience in Internet-of-Things, Cloud Computing, Image Processing, and Pattern Recognition and authored more than forty research papers in referred journals and international conferences. Also, he has contributed his research work in number of renowned International conferences including IEEE TENCON-Singapore, IEEE-INDICON -India, ICT Innovations -Macedonia, WPMC -Japan etc. Dr. Gupta was the recipient of NRF-KIC South Africa-2015 grant. He was invited speaker at International Conference on Computer Science and Information Engineering (ICCSIE2015), Ningbo, China 2015. He is the recipient of award from Computer Society of India for maximum publications during year 2015-16. He was General Chair for IEEE 2017 Fourth International Conference on Image Information Processing 9ICIIP 2017), and 2015 IEEE International Conference on Computer Graphics, Vision and Information Security (CGVIS). He has organized a Special session on Smart and Ubiquitous Computing for Vehicle Navigation Systems at IEEE TENCON 2016, Singapore. He has also organized the special session on Context Aware and Ubiquitous Computing at IEEE International Smart Cities Conference at Guadalajara, Mexico. He has also organized a special session on Image processing and Machine Learning at 2015 IEEE INDIACom, NewDelhi, India. Dr. has organized more than 30 workshops on LINUX, PHP and MySQL, LaTeX, Python, SciLab and three Faculty development programs (FDPs) on LaTeX and SciLab. He is also a part of IIT Bombay’s research team for “Spoken Tutorial Project” and working as a project ambassador for this project at JUIT. This project is the initiative of the “Talk to a Teacher” project of the National Mission on Education through ICT, launched by MHRD and Govt of India. Dr. Gupta is an Associate Editor of IEEE Access. He is also a Guest editor of Special issues from Springer, and Inderscience publishers. He is a regular reviewer of reputed Journals e.g. Springer Plus, Neural Computing and Applications, Multimedia Tools and Applications, Microelectronics, Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, etc. He has enthusiastically participated and acted as organizing committee member of numerous IEEE and other conferences. He is currently serving as a Life Member of Computer Society of India (CSI), Life member of Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA), Member of IEEE, Professional member of ACM, Senior member of IACSIT, and Member of Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE).
Tuncer Ören is a professor emeritus of computer science at the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of the University of Ottawa, Canada. He has been involved with simulation since 1965. Dr. Ören's Ph.D. is in Systems Engineering from the University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ (1971). His basic education is from Galatasaray Lisesi, a high school founded in his native Istanbul in 1481 and in Mechanical Engineering at the Technical University of Istanbul (1960). His research interests include advancing methodologies for modeling and simulation; agent-directed simulation; agents for cognitive and emotive simulations especially for conflict management training (including representations of human personality, understanding, misunderstanding, emotions, and anger mechanisms); reliability, QA, failure avoidance, ethics; as well as body of knowledge and terminology of modelling and simulation. He has well over 500 publications, including 46 books and proceedings –some translated in Chinese, German and Turkish. He has contributed to over 500 conferences and seminars held in 40 countries. He has been a keynote or invited speaker, or honorary chair in about half of them. Dr. Ören has been recognized, by IBM Canada, as a pioneer of computing in Canada where he has been also the Founding Chair of the Executive Committee of the Chairmen of the Canadian Computer Science Departments. He received “Information Age Award” from the Turkish Ministry of Culture and an “Honor Award” from the (Turkish) Language Association (2012). Dr. Ören is a Fellow of SCS (2016) and was inducted to “SCS Modeling and Simulation Hall of Fame” (Lifetime Achievement Award) in 2011. Some of his recent distinctions include the Golden Award of Excellence from the International Institute for Advanced Studies in Systems Research and Cybernetics (2018); SCS McLeod Founder's Award for Distinguished Service to the Profession (2017); and a book edited by Prof. Levent Yilmaz: Concepts and Methodologies for Modeling and Simulation: A Tribute to Tuncer Ören. Springer (2015).