About the K-12 Online Learning e-Book Collection
From natural disasters driving the temporary closure of schools to the COVID-19 pandemic that forced schools to transition completely to online learning, it has become apparent that educational institutions must learn to adapt in order to provide students with the education they need to succeed. Traditionally, online learning has been attributed to higher education institutions where online programs have become normal and effective in the past few years. Unlike higher education settings, teachers of K-12 students are working with adolescents who are still maturing and developing vital skills, being challenged with providing education to disadvantaged youth, and facing the difficulty of engaging students with special needs or learning disabilities who thrive in in-classroom settings and benefit from personal attention.
In order to address the need for a comprehensive collection of best practices, strategies, and techniques that can guide teachers and school leaders to develop effective online learning experiences for their students, IGI Global is pleased to offer the K-12 Online Learning E-Book Collection. Consisting of 310+ titles that contain exceptional research by premier editors and authors who are actively working to address and solve the challenge of online learning in K-12 environments, the titles within this collection deal with topics that include fostering engagement in virtual classrooms; facilitating digital skills; establishing culturally responsive, accessible, and inclusive online environments; transitioning resources and teaching materials to digital formats; and promoting the safety of impressionable students who are often targeted by online predators.
Contact eresources@igi-global.com with any questions.
- Notable Publications Featured in This Collection -
All titles featured in this collection are also available individually and through IGI Global’s e-Book Collection (8,100+), GOBI Library Solutions, and Oasis, and are hosted on EBSCOHost, ProQuest’s E-Book Central, and GVRL. - Acquire K-12 Online Learning Titles at a Fraction
of Cost Through This e-Collection -
Content Purchased | | Pricing |
Current Copyright Year – One-Time Purchase 2024 (10 – 20+ titles*) | | US$ 2,015 |
Full Book List – One-Time Purchase 2017-2024 (310 – 320+ titles*) | | US$ 5,040 |
Annual Subscription 2017-2024 (310 – 320+ titles*) | | US$ 1,260 |
Evidence-Based Acquisition 2017-2024 (310 – 320+ titles*) | | US$ 1,510 |
310+ Total Books in This Collection Valued at: US$ 64,790
(Average Regular Price Per Book: US$ 209)
Average Cost Per Book as a Part of the This Collection: US$ 16 (92% Discount on Titles)
For Institutions Interested in Acquiring this e-Book Collection,
Contact IGI Global or Your Regional Representative
- Why Acquire IGI Global's K-12 Online Learning Collection? -
       | Insights from more than 2,200+ international researchers from over 80+ countries |  |
Multi-disciplinary K-12 Online Learning research that spans
across three major fields, including business, education, computer science, and more
 | Each publication is produced through a quality-centric, expediate, double-blind peer review publishing process |
 | No additional charge for multi-user licensing (unlimited simultaneous users), no DRM, and no embargo of content |
 | Hosted on the InfoSci® platform, providing no set-up, archiving, or maintenance fees, free MARC records, COUNTER Reports |
 | Full-text PDF and HTML format, formatted citations with the ability to export to EasyBib and Crossref, and more |
 | Titles indexed in Web of Science, Scopus, and more |

Ideal resources for
academic and research-focused institutions- K-12 Online Learning Research
from Industry Leading Editors -
All of the titles below are featured in IGI Global's K-12 Online Learning Collection. | Prof. Sally Ann Brown, from Georgia Southern University, researches emergent bilinguals, K-3rd language and literacy development, and digital literacies. |
 | Prof. Pam Epler teaches special education courses at Grand Canyon University, and her research interests include Response To Intervention (RTI) strategies, special education teachers’ roles in RTI, and more. |
 | Prof. Lydia Kyei-Blankson, from Illinois State University, has expertise in research methods, applied statistics, and psychometrics, and is especially interested in technology use in education to improve student learning and achievement. |
 | Dr. Cynthia Mary Sistek-Chandler, from National University, USA, was awarded the honor of Higher Education Technology Leader by EDTECH DIGEST in 2020. |
 | Prof. Jared Keengwe, from the University of North Dakota, is a longtime scholar on active learning, digital technologies, and social justice in higher education.
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