…it is hoped that by examining standards adoption in the product data-exchange standards domain within the oil and gas and defence community, standards researchers and IT departments working in the field of product data standards will be able to use the results of these case studies as a frame of reference and guidelines to support the ongoing research, development and adoption of data-exchange standards.
– Josephine Wapakabulo Thomas, Rolls-Royce, UK
Any large organization - but particularly public administrations – that are grappling with the introduction of international standards into how they achieve efficiency both internally and how they do business with suppliers will benefit from reading this book. There are many pitfalls for the unwary in implementing standards, and this book identifies them for you so that you can avoid them. It also provides case studies of where international standards have been developed and adopted by public administrations that illustrate current practice.
– Matthew West, Information Junction, UK
Two approaches to implementing standards are identified in this book: innovation centric, and adoption centric. In the innovation centric approach, a problem is identified that needs a standard to be developed in order for the problem to be solved, and the development of the standard as well as its deployment needs to be addressed. An adoption centric approach is one of implementing and using a standard that has been developed by others. This book looks at the different challenges and critical success factors involved in these different modes of standards adoption, and identifies many of the pitfalls that large organizations have to negotiate in order to successfully implement international standards across their organization and with business partners.
– Matthew West, Information Junction, UK