From style to layout, from substance to structure, and from multimedia to print, this authoritative source delivers excellent advice to anyone interested in designing more effective e-learning resources. The principles offered here not only make good sense, they are grounded in research, scholarship and best practice. Campbell's book is at once accessible, engaging, interactive and scholarly—no simple feat.
– Richard A. Schwier, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Katy Campbell walks the talk in E-ffective Writing for E-Learning Environments through the production of a book saturated with effective writing. From interactive exercises, to web sites for exploration, to graphics, tables and icons, case studies and personal vignettes, the book draws the reader (or should I say participant) into an engaging interactive learning experience. The book is more than a writing guide - it is a full featured compendium. Whether for course credit, professional development or curiosity, this book will increase your understanding of effective communication using the world's most important medium. In the process you'll also become a better learner and a better teacher.
– Terry Anderson, Athabasca University, Canada
This is a very comprehensive, step-by-step guide, laced with lots of examples and opportunities for practice. It is full of practical tips and action-ready ideas for immediate application. Strongly recommended for busy instructors looking for quick answers on 'how-to' questions on e-learning.
– Abtar Kaur, Open University Malaysia, Malaysia
Using her extensive Instructional Design experience and her solid grasp of the research literature, Katy Campbell offers a practical, comprehensive guide for faculty new to developing online learning. E-ffective Writing for E-Learning Environments provides a unique combination of instructional and message design and is rich in resources and references for the interested reader. I highly recommend this text as a companion to the many existent books on Instructional design practice.
– Richard F. Kenny, Athabasca University, Canada
E-ffective Writing for E-Learning Environments is a great reference book as you prepare your course. Katy Campbell's unique format combines manual and workbook to integrate research and practice into one reference book. Campbell has successfully taken on the huge task of presenting the steps of converting a face-to-face course into a usable online course.
– Rhonda Lunemann, Journal of the Society for Technical Communication, Volume 52, Number 1, May 2005
Campbell applies sound principles within her book in so doing, ensures adequate coverage of her topic, and has produced a volume which is far from basic or trivial, and is distinctly reader-friendly, with an attractive and open layout.
– British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (2007)