Promotional Strategies for Organized Retail: A Relook With Changing Customer Buying Behavior

Promotional Strategies for Organized Retail: A Relook With Changing Customer Buying Behavior

Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 11
DOI: 10.4018/IJABIM.325229
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Organized retailing in India is going through a paradigm shift, what was once a family business is now run by professionals. They use mass media strategies to catch customers. But those days are gone when one advertisement can be used for marketing throughout the country. This research is carried out in Punjab to understand the need for change in promotional strategies. This paper proposes four new promotional strategies to cater to the need of the customers in a better way. The strategies purposed are pricing strategies, promotion strategies, push strategies, and technology and innovation strategies.
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Literature Review

Because of the expanding utilization of new advancements in retailing, buyer shopping propensities and desires are additionally evolving. Another multi-gadget, the multiscreen shopper has arisen who is better educated and requests omnichannel brands. The examination has indicated that omnichannel customers are developing worldwide marvel (Schlager and Maas, 2013).

Clients anticipate a steady, uniform, and coordinated help or experience, paying little mind to the channel they use; they are happy to move consistently between channels—conventional store, on the web, and portable—contingent upon their inclinations, their gadget to perform look, think about items, request guidance, or search for less expensive choices during their shopping venture to exploit the advantages offered by each channel (Yurova et al., in press). Moreover, omnichannel shoppers ordinarily accept that they find out about a buy than the salesmen and see themselves as having more power over the business experience (Rippé et al., 2015).

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