The Impact Between Motivational Potential Characteristics of Job and Job Satisfaction: A Moderation Model of Personality Traits in a High-Tech Industry

The Impact Between Motivational Potential Characteristics of Job and Job Satisfaction: A Moderation Model of Personality Traits in a High-Tech Industry

Chiwei Chen, Kun-Shan Zhang, Chiu-Mei Chen, Lu-Sheng Pao
Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 19
DOI: 10.4018/IJABIM.325650
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This study explored the relationship between the motivational potential characteristics of a job (measured by motivating potential scores or MPS) and job satisfaction and the moderation effect of personality traits. The results showed that the agreeableness personality trait could not significantly predict job satisfaction. However, the higher the MPS and the higher the agreeableness among the employees, the higher the job satisfaction tendency. Conscientiousness and job satisfaction had a significantly positive correlation. The interaction between MPS and conscientiousness also had a significantly positive impact on job satisfaction. The results showed that job satisfaction tended to decline under the interaction of MPS and extraversion. In addition, the interaction of MPS with neuroticism also had a significant effect on job satisfaction. The interaction between MPS and openness to experience had no significant effect on job satisfaction. However, the higher the MPS and the higher the openness of experience of the worker, the higher the job satisfaction.
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Examining Taiwan’s industries (Central Taiwan Science Park, 2021; Hsinchu Science Park, 2021; Southern Taiwan Science Park, 2021), it was found that Taiwan focused on high-tech industries, including semiconductors, computers, and peripherals, electronic, photoelectric, communications, biotechnology, and high-precision machinery, which had become an important lifeblood of Taiwan’s industries. Therefore, this study is aimed at employees of electronics companies in a high-tech industry-intensive science park (Southern Taiwan Science Park, 2021). With the evolution of the trend of the times, the employment relationship is gradually changing. In the past, companies could hire employees even when adopting a condescending manner and focusing on reasonable payment to attract talent. However, with the advent of the era of new knowledge competition, the supervisor–subordinate relationship between top and bottom has become an issue of the past. Competition among modern firms depends almost on the competition between talents, so new equality and partnerships are gradually replacing the old employment relationships. Many enterprises recognize this situation and promote and maintain good labor relations to promote organizational harmony and further enhance the competitiveness of the organization.

This study explored the correlation between the motivating potential characteristics of job and personality traits of employees and their job satisfaction to help enterprises improve their job characteristics and enhance the motivational effect of the job. At the same time, this study examined whether enterprises recognized the differences in individual personality traits of employees to ensure that employees maintained the best psychological condition and high-quality job performance. The objectives of this article are as follows:

  • 1.

    Explore the impact of the motivating potential effects of job on job satisfaction.

  • 2.

    Study the moderation effect of personality traits on the relationship between the motivating potential effects of job and job satisfaction.

  • 3.

    Understanding the motivating potential characteristics of jobs for workers with different personality traits gives enterprises a reference for job design to enhance the job efficiency of employees.

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