Factors Affecting the Use of Best Available Techniques and the Impact on Business Sustainability

Factors Affecting the Use of Best Available Techniques and the Impact on Business Sustainability

Giang Nguyen Phu
Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 18
DOI: 10.4018/IJABIM.325651
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This study investigates the application of the best available techniques (BAT) in enterprises. The article also analyzes the different approaches of the BAT, clearly stating how to apply the BAT and the conditions for using the BAT. The article also identifies and measures the factors affecting the application of BAT in enterprises. In addition, the paper also analyzes and measures the influence of BAT and other factors on the sustainable development of enterprises. The article shows that if using the BAT technique as an alternative technique while not needing to invest more in machinery and equipment, and resources, only changing the way of operation and processing process, enterprises can increase the level of environmental protection, make use of waste to complete the closed process, reduce costs, and increase profits. From that, the article proves that BAT is the best technique to prevent or reduce emissions and environmental impacts; businesses must use BAT if their activities are installations or manufacturing, export, and processing enterprises. The authors collect data from 192 manufacturing enterprises in six industries. The main data analysis method of this study is the structural equation modeling method (SEM). The article used AMOS software to evaluate and measure the influence of each factor on the application of BAT in the enterprise and the impact on the sustainability of the enterprise. BAT research has shown that the rational use of resources is essential. Measuring and recording information through the evaluation of techniques used in production also shows that we are disrupting the ecological environment without recreating it. We live by capital, not by added value, so environmental protection is necessary.
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2. Literature Reviews

Several works have studied the basic theory of the BAT concept, process technology, equipment, technical methods as well as other environmental protection methods related to BAT.

Nowadays, environmental protection is one of the urgent and global issues. The negative impact of human activities on the natural environment is increasing at an alarming rate every year, in some cases reaching catastrophic levels. One of the most important natural safety indicators in modern society is ecological security, which protects the vital needs of people, society, and the environment from the negative effects of economic and other man-made activities. Due to the continuous deterioration of the environmental situation, there is a need to increase environmental safety regulations at the government level. Environmental control and environmental monitoring are important issues in an organization. Their objective is to check compliance with environmental regulations, environmental safety standards, and regulations (Guseva, T. V., Begak, M. V., Molchanova, Y. P., Averochkin, E. M., & Vartanyan, M. A., 2014)

At the end of the last century, there was a shift in environmental values ​​and their relationship with the global environmental crisis and with society's perception of the urgency to limit the negative impact of businesses, an economic group in the field of industry and agriculture for the environment. The change in the environmental research paradigm due to the opening of the concept of BAT has contributed to limiting the consumption of natural resources to protect future generations (Morokishko, V., Volosatova, A., Ilina, V., Vertyshev, S., & Malkov, A., 2022, July).

The application of these techniques in an improved system, allows reducing the amount of material and emissions reducing the impact. The combination of those tools has confirmed to be a very good option for process evaluation considering sustainability criteria. The Impact Assessment has permitted to compare the base case scenario showing a reduction of the impacts by the selected Best Available Techniques (Zapelloni, G., Rellán, A. G., & Bugallo, P. M. B., 2019).

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