"Easily accessible to the nonspecialist, this unique resource does give a sense of the breadth of research in this field... Users might appreciate having the diverse topics brought together in one set."
– Library Journal, Volume 131, No. 19 (2006)
The Encyclopedia of Gender and Information Technology provides an expansive analysis of diverse intellectual discourses, approaches, and theoretical foundations in a single collection. This is a must-have resource for academics, practitioners, libraries, and policy makers alike.
– Information Technology & People, Volume 19, No. 4
The diversity of topics, methodologies, theoretical perspectives, and core disciplines represented in this encyclopedia will serve the community with a rich and unified reference source.
– Prof. K.D. Joshi, Washington State University, USA
Spanning across continents, topics, and perspectives, these volumes capture the diversity and array of issues being examined in the study of gender and technology.
– Prof. Jane Margolis, University of California Los Angeles, USA
The Encyclopedia of Gender and Information Technology provides an expansive analysis of the diverse intellectual discourses, approaches, and theoretical foundations of the field. This two-volume reference is a must-have resource for academics, practitioners, and policy makers alike.
– Prof. Jeria Quesenberry, Pennsylvania State University, USA
A thoroughly interesting and highly useful resource for business and industry entrepreneurs as well as researchers.
– Sonja Bernhardt, Australian Women in IT and Science Entity
A major challenge for researchers, practitioners, and decision makers involved in the development of new ICT applications is to find appropriate ways to understand users' social and cultural experiences of those applications. The Encyclopedia of Gender and Information Technology offers valuable insights into the gender related social meanings that ICT applications promote in contemporary social situations and virtual worlds.
– Prof. Hannakaisa Isomaki, University of Lapland, Finland
This encyclopedia addresses many multidisciplinary issues concerning gender and technology, and introduces a variety of quantitative and qualitative research approaches.
– Prof. Helen Richardson, University of Salford, UK
Derived from studies carried out by the contributors, the 213 entries of this two-volume reference describe the experiences and potential for women in the field of IT. Each entry concludes with a list of references and a list of key terms with their definitions.
– Book News, Vol. 22, No. 1 (2007)
What an impressive accomplishment, to pull together so much information from such a broad range of institutions, countries, and topics. The Encyclopedia of Gender and Information Technology is a fine first edition that presents a concise synopsis of current research on gender as related to the information technology field. It makes a fine online resource for students at the high school and undergraduate levels.
– Sue Dentinger, Feminist Collections, Volume 28, No. 2 (2007)
This two-volume encyclopedia reflects the spectrum of issues relevant to gender and the maturing IT environment around the globe.
– Julia Gelfand, University of California, USA