IGI Global has teamed up with the University of Wisconsin Extended Campus to launch the publisher’s second Platinum Open Access (OA) reference book,
New Models of Higher Education: Unbundled, Rebundled, Customized, and DIY (9781668438091). This Open Access (OA) collaboration between IGI Global and the University of Wisconsin Extended Campus is part of IGI Global’s ongoing efforts toward advancing the OA movement. The university received funding from the
Walmart Corporation, as well as the
Lumina Foundation, an independent, private foundation in Indianapolis that is committed to making opportunities for learning beyond high school available to all.
| New Models of Higher Education: Unbundled, Rebundled, Customized, and DIY | Aaron M. Brower (University of Wisconsin Extended Campus, USA & University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA) and Ryan J. Specht-Boardman (University of Wisconsin Extended Campus, USA)
©2022 | 545 pgs. | EISBN13: 9781668438114 | - Includes over 20+ Chapters of Timely Research
- Suitable for Policy Makers, Academicians, Instructors, & More
- Covers Topics such as Curriculum Development, Lifelong Learning, & Skills-Based Education.
- Excellent Addition to Your Institution's Library
| |
“We would like to thank Lumina Foundation and Walmart for co-sponsoring to make this book Open Access, freely available to anyone interested in it. We are deeply appreciative for their generosity and support. In addition, Florida Gulf Coast University provided funding for Open Access of Chapter 14, which was written by a team from their institution. We are also so grateful for support from the UW Madison Sandra Rosenbaum School of Social Work, and especially David Barger, who worked hard behind the scenes to help make this book Open Access,” says the book’s editors, Prof. Aaron Brower and Prof. Ryan Specht-Boardman of the University of Wisconsin Extended Campus.
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New Models of Higher Education: Unbundled, Rebundled, Customized, and DIY. explores the practical ways in which institutions of higher education, education technology companies, and workplaces can better respond to, and enable, new clever and productive approaches to lifelong learning. With the book published under Platinum Open Access, accepted authors were not required to pay chapter processing charges and have been granted Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) licensing. With this, the authors retain the copyright to their published research making it possible to share their published findings easily and without restrictions. Platinum OA publishing allows for increased citation impact, as well as the expansion of knowledge about OA through the dismantling of barriers such as lack of resources and budgetary constraints.

"There are still millions of resources out there behind paywalls and it’s important for publishers, institutions, organizations, libraries, and researchers to come together to establish creative solutions for making research more accessible and inclusive.”— Lindsay Wertman, President of IGI Global
When asked about this important progression in the availability of open resources in the field of education, Lindsay Wertman, President of IGI Global noted, “We deeply value the contributions made by all the funding bodies that helped to make this important research openly available to the masses. Undoubtedly, this publication will help the field. There are still millions of resources out there behind paywalls and it’s important for publishers, institutions, organizations, libraries, and researchers to come together to establish creative solutions for making research more accessible and inclusive.”
The release of this title as a Platinum OA book is a continuation of IGI Global’s efforts toward innovating the OA movement. Prior to the release of this title, IGI Global converted its entire journal collection to gold OA and also released its first OA book publication, the
Handbook of Research on the Global View of Open Access and Scholarly Communications (Edited by Dr.
Daniel Gelaw Alemneh (University of North Texas, USA), which was opened up to platinum OA under a transformative model through the University of North Texas’ investment in IGI Global e-Collections. Additionally, IGI Global has integrated with numerous OA organizations, programs, platforms, and initiatives, including the
OA Switchboard,
Open Access Publishing in European Networks (OAPEN),
ResearchGate, and the
Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) among others.
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Handbook of Research on the Global View of Open Access and Scholarly Communications | Prof. Daniel Gelaw Alemneh (University of North Texas, USA)
©2022 | 300 pgs. | EISBN: 9781799898078 | - Published under Platinum OA through IGI Global’s Transformative OA Initiative
- Suitable for Educators, Researchers, Library
Professionals, & More - Covers Topics such as Open Education Resources,
Scholarly Communications, & Equity - Excellent Addition to Your Institution’s Library
| |
IGI Global contributors have numerous options to take advantage of the benefits of Open Access publishing, including Retrospective Open Access, where traditionally published works can be converted after release, as well as article, chapter, and book Open Access submission.
Learn more about
Open Access with IGI Global Here>
About IGI Global
Founded in 1988 and headquartered in Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA with a subsidiary office (IGI Science and Technology, Ltd.) operating out of Beijing, China, IGI Global is a leading medium-sized independent international academic publisher of scholarly reference sources. They are committed to facilitating the discovery of pioneering scientific research that enhances and expands the body of knowledge available to the research community through traditional and open access publishing workflows. Working in close collaboration with more than 150,000+ expert researchers and professionals from leading institutions, IGI Global publishes quality peer-reviewed content across 350+ topics in 11 core subject areas, including business, computer science, education, engineering, healthcare, social sciences, and more. Learn more about IGI Global here.
Emma Baronak
(717) 533-8845 ext. 183
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