For scholars, researchers, students, and practitioners in urban studies, urban planning, political science, public administration, information science, and other fields, Silva (Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning, U. of Lisbon, Portugal) compiles 15 essays on the role of Web 2.0 technologies in citizen participation and empowerment in city governance. Urban planning, marketing, geoinformatics, public administration, information technology, applied systems analysis, and other researchers from Europe, Australia, Singapore, and North America first discuss basic concepts in e-participation and key issues in citizen e-participation in urban governance, including open source urban governance, crowdsourcing, neogeography, volunteered geographic information, citizen science, e-democracy systems, and participation and equity in urban public policy. They follow with descriptions of different modes of citizen mass collaboration in urban governance, including geographic information systems, geo-visualization, and other geo-locational technologies, and other modes, like social media, smartphones and mobile applications, and website-based e-participation, and management approaches to improve participation.
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