Authors who previously published their work under the traditional publishing model (standard access) can consider converting their work to open access under IGI Global's Retrospective Open Access Program.
How the Retrospective Open Access Publishing Program Works |
Publications Eligible for Retrospective Open Access Conversion:
Full Books, Journal Volumes, Book Chapters, and Journal Articles
Why You Should Consider Converting Your Work to Open Access |
- Increase Citation Rates & Indexing Potential
- Greater Notoriety for Authors’ and Editors’ Academic Institutions
- Greater Sharing Power and Discoverability for the Authors and Editors
- Copyright Returned to the Authors and Editors (Converted to CC Licensing)
- Content Becomes Free to Access by All Researchers Around the World
- Contents of the Unlocked Work Can Be Utilized in Future Publications and Teaching Materials
- Opportunity for Additional Research Collaborations
- Affordable Open Access Conversion Fees
- Institutions Funding Conversions Will Benefit From a Wide Range of Promotional Materials Highlighting the Funding Sponsorship
Dr. Sang-Bing Tsai Speaks to the Rise in Impact for His Journal, Journal of Organizational and End User Computing (JOEUC) |  |  | In my opinion, the most important thing for a journal to be defined as an excellent journal is that the external objective indicators should be of high level, such as the impact factor of Web of Science and the CiteScore of Scopus, and the internal evaluation reputation in the research field should be excellent. We have been working hard on these two aspects for several years, and now our journals are ranked very high in Web of Science and Scopus.
- Sang-Bing Tsai, JOEUC Editor-in-Chief |  |
| | The shift to open access (OA) for JOEUC has proven to be highly successful as the journal is experiencing an increase to its usage and citation rates as the content is now freely accessible and no longer behind a paywall. |
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Pricing for Retrospective Open Access Conversions |
IGI Global contributors benefit from a 20% open access processing charge discount on the retrospective conversion of their previously published chapters and articles.
Retrospective Open Access Article Processing Charge (APC) Rates (Journal Articles) | Copyright of Previously Published Works | Journals ranging from
US $1,300 - $3,300 APC (Base Price for Newly Published) | < 2014 - 2022 | US $265 - $2,500 |
Retrospective Open Access Chapter Processing Charge (CPC) Rates (Book Chapters) | < 2014 - 2022 | US $700 - $2,300 |
Converting work to open access does require the use of various resources and tools. Additionally, because the copyright for the work will be released back to the author(s) and the work will no longer be behind a paywall or collecting subscription revenue, open access processing charges are critical to ensure the sustainability of the publication and IGI Global’s open access publishing program. Retrospective open access fees are affordable and priced based on the publication date of the chapter, article, or book publication. |
Funding Considerations and Options |
Contributor Funding and Discount Options- Any IGI Global contributor who has earned royalties or honorariums on their projects can use the amount toward unlocking one or more of their previously published journal articles, book chapters, or full book publications. IGI Global contributors also receive an exclusive 20% open access processing charge discount that they may use on retrospective open access.
Crowdfunding- Consider crowdfunding the Article Processing Charge (APC), Chapter Processing Charge (CPC), or Book Processing Charge (BPC) with multiple funders such as institutions, national funding, self-funding (come together with other authors and editors – for edited books, instead of open access funding for the book being fully covered by a BPC, each chapter author pays the retrospective CPC for the conversion of their work), etc. to each contribute a portion of the funds (note for full book publications, crowdfunding platforms such as Kickstarter or can be used).
Other Funding Options- Some open access funders provide provisions for authors to open their work retrospectively. For a list of OA funding organizations, please visit the Open Access Funding Resources page.
- Utilize foundations/associations for retrospective open access funding coming from foundations with specialized and focused topic areas.
An Open Access Chapter in Building Competencies for Organizational Success: Emerging Research and Opportunities |  |  | "This chapter in the book Building Competencies for Organizational Success: Emerging Research and Opportunities, to open access in this way was the most appropriate outlet to expose this work to a broader audience. My experience has been that this work has gotten into the hands of audiences from across the globe. Only possible due to open access. Since open access to this chapter. I have had others consult with me about this work, and I have consulted others about their work based on their access to my work. I encourage you to take advantage of the open access. The exposure this platform offers is phenomenal."
- Prof. Donta S. Harper, EdD |  |
|  | IGI Global is Actively Seeking Open Access Book Publications for 2023 | Over the last several months IGI Global has been working actively to publish new Open Access (OA) books. This is unchartered territory for many publishers, however, IGI Global has already seen tremendous success in our OA book program...
Read More > |
|  | A Crowdfunding Approach to Open Access Publishing | The vast majority of OA content is still being funded by the authors themselves, and oftentimes it’s because they don’t realize the different approaches that they can take to obtain funding or that the funding doesn’t have to just come from one single source... Read More > |
|  | Convert Your Past Work to Open Access with the Click of a Button | IGI Global is now making it easier than ever for authors to convert their previously published subscription-based (standard access) content to open access (OA)... Read More > |
About IGI Global
Founded in 1988 and headquartered in Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA with a subsidiary office (IGI Science and Technology, Ltd.) operating out of Beijing, China, IGI Global is a leading medium-sized independent international academic publisher of scholarly reference sources. They are committed to facilitating the discovery of pioneering scientific research that enhances and expands the body of knowledge available to the research community through traditional and open access publishing workflows. Working in close collaboration with more than 150,000+ expert researchers and professionals from leading institutions, IGI Global publishes quality peer-reviewed content across 350+ topics in 11 core subject areas, including business, computer science, education, engineering, healthcare, social sciences, and more. Learn more about IGI Global here.
Newsroom Contact
Emma Baronak
(717) 533-8845 ext. 183