IGI Global Course Adoption
Offer Your Students Free Access to Your Adopted Textbooks

Finding the right resources to enrich your course syllabi and adequately support the highest level of critical thinking and knowledge advancement among your students can be quite the arduous task. As you know, the burden of cost can directly hinder students acquiring primary or supplemental resources per your course reading recommendations, and the overall cost of acquiring research publications has increased exponentially over the past several years. Now more than ever, the weight of these expenses is crippling for students due to the current global economic situation.
What if there was a much easier and more cost-effective way for your students to have access to all IGI Global titles on your required and/or recommended reading list?
In lieu of requiring students to buy readings via standard course adoption procedures, IGI Global is pleased to offer you and your students a much more affordable way of accessing either your recommended and/or required primary and/or supplementary readings through your institution’s library. Simply recommend the electronic version of the book(s) (using the "Recommend to a Librarian button on book webpage), you have included in your course syllabi to your library for acquisition, and once the book is available in your library system, you and your students can all access the book simultaneously with ease.
Benefits of Recommending Titles to Your Library for Course Adoption
- Unlike other publishing houses, IGI Global DOES NOT CHARGE any additional fees for multi-user access of any of its e-books and academic libraries can order a single copy and provide to an unlimited number of students and faculty.
- All IGI Global e-books can be accessed via IGI Global’s InfoSci® platform which fully supports unlimited multi-user simultaneous access, along with other features such as full-text PDF and HTML document viewing, an advanced full-text search engine, No DRM, formatted citations with ability to export to RefWorks and EasyBib, no embargo of content, and more.
- The price of IGI Global e-books are the same as the printed format with exclusive discounts provided through IGI Global’s Online Bookstore.
- IGI Global’s content spans across three major subject areas: Business & Management, Scientific, Technical, & Medical (STM) and Education.
- All reference publications undergo a rigorous double-blind peer review process and are highly indexed, award winning, and authored and edited by renowned researchers from prestigious institutions.
Should you have any questions regarding IGI Global’s e-books or the InfoSci® platform features or functionality, please contact IGI Global's Customer Service Team at cust@igi-global.com.
Traditional Course Adoption Program
IGI Global publications provide valuable, innovative, and trending content to undergraduate and graduate courses and are essential supplements for professors looking to enhance their class with the latest emerging research. Instructors from all over the world are invited to participate in IGI Global’s Course Adoption program, which includes a free 7-day electronic examination of the interested text. Please find below a list of included and excluded publication formats:
Available for Course Adoption
Excluded from Course Adoption
How to Request a Publication for Traditional Course Adoption
Step 1 - Request a Free Examination Copy
Professors considering an IGI Global title for adoption into their class may request a complimentary 7-day full-text electronic examination copy. To qualify for the complimentary exam copy, professors must fill out the form located below or contact the Marketing Department directly at marketing@igi-global.com with your full name, affiliation, the title of interest, publication title, course name, and estimated number of students that will be enrolled in the course.
Step 2: Approval and Electronic Access
Once your request has been received by IGI Global's Marketing Department, they will open complimentary electronic access to the publication for seven (7) days, and once the access expires, if the instructor decides they would like to adopt the publication into their course, assist with setting up a specialized coupon code or if it is a domestic institution, work with the bookstore.
For instructors who decide not to adopt the book into their course and would like further assistance finding a title better suited to their class, please feel free to contact the Marketing Team at marketing@igi-global.com.
Step 3: Ordering Information and Discounts
Complimentary Desk Copy for Instructors: IGI Global will track the number of titles purchased for the course and once ten (10) copies have been sold, the instructor will be provided with one desk copy at no additional cost. (Note: The complimentary desk copy is only available the first year the title is adopted).
Domestic & International: Upon contacting the Marketing Department, instructors will receive a unique coupon code which will allow their students to take up to 40% off the price of the title when they order the print or electronic format of the publication through the IGI Global's IGI Global Online Bookstore. Once the coupon code is created, they may follow these simple purchasing instructions:
- Visit IGI Global's Online Bookstore at: http://www.igi-global.com/.
- Search the title of the publication and choose either print or electronic format.
- Add the title to the shopping cart and begin the steps to complete the purchase.
- Complete Step 1 of the checkout process.
- During Step 2 there will be a box in the upper right-hand corner labeled “Coupons”. Enter the unique code provided by the instructor and click “Add+”. The discount will be added to the total found below.
- Complete purchase.
Domestic Only: Domestic (U.S. and Canada) professors may also opt to order the titles through their university bookstore. If this option is selected, the instructor will need to provide their marketing team member with the bookstore’s contact information. The bookstore will order directly from IGI Global and the students will purchase the print copy through the university bookstore.
Students wishing to receive the electronic version of the title may still order directly through IGI Global’s Online Bookstore and receive access instructions. For further assistance, please contact Customer Service at cust@igi-global.com.
To learn more about the benefits of adopting an IGI Global publication into a course, view the recent case study, "IGI Global Continues to Broaden the Scope for Classrooms."
Course Adoption Request Form
Asterisks (*) denote required fields
First name *
Last name *
Affiliation *
E-mail address *
Address *
City *
Please select a Country first.
Postal code
Course name
Course number
Estimated enrollment
By clicking submit, I understand that examination copies of cases are for my personal review only. Any dissemination, distribution, or copying of examination materials is strictly prohibited.