About the Data Science e-Book Collection
Industries around the world are continuously seeking better methods to control the sheer volume of data they are collecting on a daily basis. From business to medicine to government, data collection is integral for understanding society, solving problems, making informed decisions, and achieving successful outcomes. Yet managing this large volume of data continues to be problematic, from navigating storage capabilities to complying to new laws regarding data collection, to the difficulty of protecting personal information from the hands of cyber criminals. This collection that covers the many aspects of data science as a whole is integral for researchers to advance practices and policies.
In order to present the most current research on data management, data mining, data storage, and more, IGI Global is pleased to offer the Data Science e-book collection. Consisting of 390+ titles from the 2001 to 2024 copyright years, with more titles set to release, this collection provides resources on the best techniques and technologies implemented for smoother operations and control of data. An essential resource for faculty and students across a multitude of disciplines, the titles within this collection offer insights on bioengineering, data modeling languages, IT policy and standardization, and more.
Contact eresources@igi-global.com with any questions.
- Notable Publications Featured in This Collection -
All titles featured in this collection are also available individually and through IGI Global’s e-Book Collection (8,100+), GOBI Library Solutions, and Oasis, and are hosted on EBSCOHost, ProQuest’s E-Book Central, and GVRL. - Acquire Data Science Titles at a Fraction
of Cost Through This e-Collection -
Content Purchased | | Pricing |
Current Copyright Year – One-Time Purchase 2024 (30 – 40+ titles*) | | US$ 11,320 |
Full Book List – One-Time Purchase 2001-2024 (390 – 400+ titles*) | | US$ 28,300 |
Annual Subscription 2001-2024 (390 – 400+ titles*) | | US$ 9,995 |
Evidence-Based Acquisition 2001-2024 (390 – 400+ titles*) | | US$ 11,995 |
390+ Total Books in This Collection Valued at: US$ 85,020
(Average Regular Price Per Book: US$ 218)
Average Cost Per Book as a Part of the This Collection: US$ 73 (66% Discount on Titles)
For Institutions Interested in Acquiring this e-Book Collection,
Contact IGI Global or Your Regional Representative
- Why Acquire IGI Global's Data Science Collection? -
       | Insights from more than 5,900+ international researchers from over 110+ countries |  |
Multi-disciplinary Data Science research that spans across major fields of study, including
business, education, computer science, and more
 | Each publication is produced through a quality-centric, expediate, double-blind peer review publishing process |
 | No additional charge for multi-user licensing (unlimited simultaneous users), no DRM, and no embargo of content |
 | Hosted on the InfoSci® platform, providing no set-up, archiving, or maintenance fees, free MARC records, COUNTER Reports |
 | Full-text PDF and HTML format, formatted citations with the ability to export to EasyBib and Crossref, and more |
 | Titles indexed in Web of Science, Scopus, and more |

Ideal resources for
academic and research-focused institutions- Data Science Research from Industry Leading Editors -
All of the titles below are featured in IGI Global's Data Science Collection. | Prof. John Wang is a prolific researcher at Montclair State University in the Department of Information & Operations Management with over 20+ years of experience, focusing on the synergy of operations research, data mining, and cybernetics. |
 | Prof. Goran Trajkovski is a Senior Lead College Compliance Advisor at Western Governors University, specializing in program, courseware, and assessment ware design and development for computer and data-science disciplines with 3+ years of experience. |
 | Prof. Peng Zhao is a data science professional with industry, teaching, and research experience, including his work at Intelligentrabbit, LLC, and managing a data scientist team that provide services to a variety of organizations. |
 | Prof. Pietro De Giovanni is a professor of Circular Economy, Operations and Supply Chain at Luiss University, Italy, with interests in operations management, sustainability, supply chain, and more. |
 | Prof. Zhongyu Lu, from University of Huddersfield, UK. Specializes in research covering information access, retrieval and visualization, data management systems, and much more. She chairs five separate international conferences has over 10+ years of experience in her field.