About the Women’s Studies e-Book Collection
Diversity and inclusion are paramount in all areas of today’s society and a key demographic of this push for equality is women. In recent years, social movements such as #MeToo and unequal pay revelations have shone a light on the everyday issues of discrimination, inequity, and harassment women face on a daily basis. Understanding the unique challenges they face as well as potential solutions to improve their situations throughout different fields is critical for society to advance. Leaders of businesses, organizations, and institutions must come together to implement policies that support women in their endeavors, ensure they are respected and protected, and ultimately shatter the glass ceiling forever. There are many varying ideas on how this can be achieved, and the field of study is vast with current strategies and practices that have the potential to propel society forward toward inclusion.
IGI Global has compiled a collection of 90+ e-books to create a collection that considers key issues such as gender disparity, age, feminism, immigrant women, leadership, and micro-aggressions in order to assist leaders, policymakers, managers, educators, and libraries in promoting diversity and supporting women. This collection includes research from the 2006-2024 copyright year with several titles set to release this year to ensure that institutions have access to the latest content in these areas. It has never been more crucial to understand the history and future opportunities of women’s studies.
Contact eresources@igi-global.com with any questions.
- Notable Publications Featured in This Collection -
All titles featured in this collection are also available individually and through IGI Global’s e-Book Collection (8,100+), GOBI Library Solutions, and Oasis, and are hosted on EBSCOHost, ProQuest’s E-Book Central, and GVRL. - Acquire Women’s Studies Titles at a Fraction of Cost Through This e-Collection -
Content Purchased | | Pricing |
Current Copyright Year – One-Time Purchase 2024 (10 – 20+ titles*) | | US$ 1,660 |
Full Book List – One-Time Purchase 2006-2024 (90 – 100+ titles*) | | US$ 4,150 |
Annual Subscription 2006-2024 (90 – 100+ titles*) | | US$ 1,155 |
Evidence-Based Acquisition 2006-2024 (90 – 100+ titles*) | | US$ 1,385 |
90+ Total Books in This Collection Valued at: US$ 19,170.00
(Average Regular Price Per Book: US$ 213.00)
Average Cost Per Book as a Part of the This Collection: US$ 46.00 (78% Discount on Titles)
For Institutions Interested in Acquiring this e-Book Collection,
Contact IGI Global or Your Regional Representative
- Why Acquire IGI Global's Women’s Studies Collection? -
       | Insights from more than 620+ international researchers from over 50+ countries |  |
Multi-disciplinary Women’s Studies research that spans across
major fields of study, including business, computer science, education, and more.
 | Each publication is produced through a quality-centric, expediate, double-blind peer review publishing process |
 | No additional charge for multi-user licensing (unlimited simultaneous users), no DRM, and no embargo of content |
 | Hosted on the InfoSci® platform, providing no set-up, archiving, or maintenance fees, free MARC records, COUNTER Reports |
 | Full-text PDF and HTML format, formatted citations with the ability to export to EasyBib and Crossref, and more |
 | Titles indexed in Web of Science, Scopus, and more |

Ideal resources for
academic and research-focused institutions- Women’s Studies Research from Industry Leading Editors -
All of the titles below are featured in IGI Global's Women’s Studies Collection. | Prof. Stephanie R. Logan serves as the chair of the Education Department at Springfield College, with specialties in preparing culturally competent pre-service teachers, creating inclusive classroom and campus environments, and more. |
 | Dr. Taima Moeke-Pickering teaches in the School of Indigenous Relations at Laurentian University, where she teaches courses on Indigenous research methodologies, international issues, social work, and more. View Webinar >
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 | Prof. Patricia Goodman Hayward, from Northeastern University, is an expert in leadership across social service, judicial service, mental health, and education fields with a specialization in adult learning and cross-generational communication. |
 | Dr. Pamela Leggett-Robinson, from PLR Consulting, is an expert in STEM Leadership Coaching and researches support programs for students and women of color in STEM. View Q&A >
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 | Dr. Ela Burcu Uçel is a multidisciplinary researcher in gender studies, education management, human resources, and climate change at İzmir University of Economics. |